While you want your workspace to be designed for function, designing joy and beauty into the space can do wonders for your inspiration and motivation. Check out these amigas’ workspaces for some ideas on how you can spruce up your space.
Bring the outside in
Bringing the beauty of nature into your workspace is an easy way to ground and connect to the bigger picture of all. You can bring in a small succulent or low-maintenance cactus if you don’t want to worry about watering. Take a more proactive approach and bring fresh flowers every week into your space. You’d be surprised how the presence of plants can get you back into your body when you’ve been staring at your screen for too long.
Choose inspiring art pieces
The options are truly endless! Frame your favorite quote on the wall to motivate you when work challenges surface. Hang up a photo of your family and friends to remind you what truly matters and tap you into joy. Maybe your niece painted something especially for you to put a smile on your face every time you see it. You may have beautiful photographs that remind you what you are working towards. You are the creator of your reality.
Identify your travel workspace essentials.
I’ve been traveling a lot the last few months, so my workspace looks slightly different every few weeks. I’ve found it helpful to incorporate a few essentials wherever I post up to work to help turn my brain into work mode. It includes my agenda for the day, my favorite pen, a candle I light with an intention for the day, and a mug of green tea. It’s very simple, but it helps me settle into my workflow when my surroundings are changing so often.
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About the Author
Chantelle Bacigalupo
Chantelle Bacigalupo is #WeAllGrow Latina’s Editorial Staff Writer. She is a Bolivian-American photographer, multimedia journalist, and activist based in Brooklyn, NY. Her work focuses on issues ranging across immigration, social & environmental justice, preserving Indigenous cultures, and reproductive justice. You can read more of her pieces here.