Business Application

Name *
Email *
Business Name *
Location (City, State) *
Does your business work remotely / ships U.S.-wide?
Does your business ship internationally?
Please provide a one-liner description of your business: (Up to 135 characters) *
It will be automatically cut off if it exceeds the maximum characters
Please provide a more detailed description about your business/ products and/or services: (up to 400 characters) *
It will be automatically cut off if it exceeds the maximum characters
What best describes your business? (Select max 2 that apply) *
What category does your business fall under? *
Please add 3 keywords that identify your business separated by a comma *
Please select any that apply: *
Business Website URL *
The url should start with https://
Business Instagram URL
The url should start with https://
Business TikTok URL
The url should start with https://
Business Contact Email *
Please upload a high-quality photo that represents your product, service or founder: (Square image with a resolution of 1080px by 1080px) *
Maximum file size: 512 KB
All photos must be compressed to below 500KB before uploading to our the Directory this includes your logo and company image. Quick tip: you run all images through a compressor, like, which is free and super easy to use.
Please upload a logo or logo icon of your business: (Square image with a resolution of 1080px by 1080px) *
Maximum file size: 512 KB
All photos must be compressed to below 500KB before uploading to our the Directory this includes your logo and company image. Quick tip: you run all images through a compressor, like, which is free and super easy to use.


A haven where Latinas with an entrepreneurial spirit thrive with ease.