Buy an Ad.
Reach Amigas.
Grow Your Business. 

About AMIGAS Ads

The Amigas Ads Program is a low-cost advertising opportunity that spotlights amazing initiatives & businesses from our #WeAllGrow Amigahood®  community members to increase their opportunity to reach new audiences. You provide the information, we create the ad, and we share it with a community of 302K+ Instagram followers and 43K newsletter subscribers.

Ad Types


30 characters max for title.

225 characters max for description.

#WeAllGrow will edit your ad
copy if it goes over the
allotted number of characters.

Please identify ad title and

Only one hyperlink per ad.


30 characters max for title.

128 characters max for description.

1,500 x 1,500 px image size required.

Image design layout is round. Keep this in mind so that content does not get cut-off.
Text is not allowed on the supporting image provided.

#WeAllGrow will edit your ad
copy if it goes over the
allotted number of characters.

Please identify ad title and

Only one hyperlink per ad.


30 characters max for title.

128 characters max for description.

2,000 x 2,000 px image size required. 

Image design layout is arched at the top, keep this in mind so that content does not get cut-off.

Text is not allowed on the supporting image provided.

#WeAllGrow will edit your ad
copy if it goes over the
allotted number of characters.

Please identify ad title and

Only one hyperlink and
Instagram handle per ad.


In response to the need of our community to keep growing and stay visible, we have created an opportunity to highlight and bring awareness to the many amazing businesses and initiatives from our Amigahood community members. This program offers low-cost advertising opportunities through our bi-weekly newsletter and @weallgrowlatina on Instagram.

In order to participate, you must comply with the eligibility criteria below:

  • Be an Amigahood community member. Not a member? Join us! It’s free and easy!
  • Ad must promote a Latina-owned business, organization or service. At least one of the founders/owners must be a Latina.
  • Contents of your ad must not infringe upon copyright or trademarks, abide by the law and comply with our Amigahood community guidelines.
  • You have read and understood this program FAQ in its entirety.

You have three ad options to choose from –  Here you can see how each one looks like.

  • IG Stories ads $75
  • Newsletter ads with picture $35
  • Newsletter ads without picture $25
  • Bundle of one stories + newsletter ads $100

Submit your ad payment by end of day after submitting your ad request. Send payment via For payment identification, please include your business name in the payment notes.

Every other Wednesday.

Submit your ad request through this form. Submit your ad details and payment by Friday of each week to get into the upcoming week’s Wednesday newsletter. If your ad request is received after Friday, we will not publish your ad the immediate Wednesday but on the following week.

We will only publish one newsletter and Instagram ad per business per week. However, you are welcome to place an ad every week if you would like or submit multiple ad orders at the same time for the weeks to come. As a best practice, we suggest that you vary the content of your ad slightly if placing it on consecutive weeks.

As of January, 2024:

  • 302K Instagram community
  • 43K newsletter subscribers

We will approve eight ads per week, both for Instagram and our newsletter. Ads are published on a first-come-first-serve basis. Therefore, if you submit your ad request after the 8th entry of the week, you will have the option to have the ad published for a future week.

No. Ads can be in English, Spanish, or Spanglish.

Yes. Ads can be for businesses all over the world. Your company and/or offer can be based in any other country as long as you meet the eligibility criteria. 

We do not include political ads.

Amigahood is the #WeAllGrow online community hub where we’ve been connecting and supporting each other from wherever we are since 2018 (join and read here our community guidelines). We created Amigahood to bring together Latinas around the globe in a way that’s focused, valuable, and ––most importantly–– all our own. Through Amigahood we aim to offer five simple things:

  1. Experience exclusive content, learning opportunities, and bilingual (English/Spanish) conversations created specifically for Latinas como tú.
  2. Meet mujeres who share your interests, live near you, do the same things, or care about the same topics.
  3. Connect to fellow Amigas.
  4. Access to the incredible relationships #WeAllGrow has built over the years with thought leaders, corporations, and media.
  5. Find a little inspiration, thought-provoking conversations, and expert perspective every day.

It’s never too late to join us. It’s easy and free!

Amiga, what are you waiting for?

What our Amigas are saying


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“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con cididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sequat.


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo con cididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua sequat.



A haven where Latinas with an entrepreneurial spirit thrive with ease.